SUNDAY MAY, 22, 2016
This will be a scenic mountain drive. Moderate pace and friendly for all drivers.
The objective is to enjoy a beautiful Miata day with friends and get home thinking we had a good time.
9:00 am. start from Bordertown on Rt. 395 North of Reno. David and Gordon will be there at 8:00 for breakfast if you would like to join in.
The route will take us north on Rt. 395 to Janesville for a short break. West from here on Rt. 172 to Antelope Lake and a rest stop on top of the dam. Continue on to Taylorsville. Be careful on the downhill…..sometimes slippery. Turn right just before Taylorsville on North Valley Road to Greenville. Left on Rt. 89 to Rt. 70. Turn left on Rt. 70. Go to the Quincy Park on the left just before Quincy where we will enjoy our picnic lunch. If you prefer, there is a Subway a couple of miles ahead in Quincy.
After lunch, we will turn right on Rt. 70 and backtrack a few miles. Turn right on Chandler Rd. We take this around Quincy and rejoin Rt. 70. Turn left. Take Rt. 70 East through Portola and on to Hallelujah Junction. Turn right on Rt. 395 and go on into Reno and your final destination.
Mileage: Approx. 225 miles.
Time: We should be back in Reno around 4:00.
Things to remember:
Things that can distract from the enjoyment of the drive are:
A speeding ticket.
A crash.
Cars getting lost or separated from the group.
A breakdown. Have your Miata ready to go.
Pack a picnic lunch.
You are part of a group and you have a responsibility to that group.
Come with a full gas tank.
Come with an empty bladder.
You are responsible for the car behind you. Do not leave a turn or proceed unless you know the car behind you sees you and where you are going. This keeps us together.
Don’t lag too far behind. The guy in front of you needs to keep track of you.
If you need to leave the group, don’t do it without letting someone else know. We don’t want to stop and hunt for someone that is not there.